Clearinghouse for SC African Tourism – How To Do Business as a Tourism Business or Nonprofit. Having a comprehensive collection of interactive tools, templates and resources in a single location helps individual businesses to efficiently develop targeted and consistent content. It also helps to promote a clear and consistent vision and definition for a marketing initiative attracting African-American visitors and visitors interested in African- American History and Culture. 
Many Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) offer online toolkits, featuring everything from copywriting tips to images and downloadable ads promoting the destination. Some are generic, targeting all types of travelers (see links below); and others are more specific – Canada for example created a marketing toolkit for the industry interested in targeting the lucrative LGBT travel market, and New South Wales in Australia created a toolkit for targeting the Chinese traveler.
Tourism products in South Carolina come in many shapes and sizes. Accommodation ranges from five-star hotels to boutique bed and breakfasts to trendy backpacker resorts. There are iconic attractions, such as the Penn Center and Avery Research Center; Eco- Tourism activities, such as white water rafting, windsurfing, kayaking, zip lining, snorkeling or horse back riding schools; and cultural and wildlife centers, such as museums and galleries, wineries, aquariums, wildlife reserves – and lots, lots more.

With all that is on offer, one of the main challenges facing tourism operators is to develop and package tourism products in a way that meets customer needs, enabling the creation of a viable business. South Carolina is a premier tourism and events destination and this status depends on the creativity and success of the tourism operators, event organizers and destination managers within it.

Clearinghouse for SC African Tourism – How to navigate the tourism industry


One stop resource to identify A- Tax grant programs for cultural arts and tourism related programs.

Website Best Practices

Developing a website that has a high conversion rate is always a repetitive process. This hub helps you with every step of the website design process. 

Branding & Content Hub

Branding personifies one’s tourism business. It gives a business, or event a voice, look, personality, and values — which makes you more relatable to travelers. 

Marketing Hub

One-stop resource to access services, training, and support to improve a business or non- profit’s online presence and digital marketing.

Black Experience Toolkit

One-stop resource to access services, training, and support to improve a business or non- profit’s online presence and digital marketing.

Business Development

There are also a variety of small business development resources around the state that tourism practitioners can access for capital, business planning services, and research services